Mommy Makeover Contest Enter Today FullName ** Mobile **Email ** Post Image*Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.Consent* I agree to the privacy policy. By submitting this form, I am giving Restore Center for Aesthetics Institute Inc. ("Restore Center for Aesthetics") my express written consent to use my photographs on the Company website and social media accounts including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, and on the Company website, without acknowledgment or recognition given to the Party. I grant the Company creative permission to alter the photographs, permitting that the photographs are not altered in an explicit manner or cause a malicious representation of me and my associates. I consent to any third party (including any agency, client, publication, or other organization or institution) in whole or in part, for distribution (“sharing”) of the photographs on their social media accounts, for the purposes of publicity, and promotion of the Company. In giving this consent, I release the Company from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary right I may have in connection with all third parties’ use of the images on social media. I have full rights to the submitted photo(s), confirm that the photo(s) is/are me wearing Restore Center for Aesthetics, and I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Restore Center for Aesthetics should anyone claim rights to the photograph(s) I have submitted. apply.CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.