A cheek lift in Indianapolis, also known as a mid-face lift, is a restorative procedure designed to erase laugh lines and tighten and lift loose, sagging cheek skin. Today, our experts at Restore Center for Aesthetics in Munster, IN are discussing how this procedure is performed and answering some of our most commonly asked questions about a mid-face lift.
How Is a Cheek Lift Performed?
Before your cheek lift in Indianapolis, your cheeks will be cleaned and a local anesthetic will be administered. Since a mid-face lift is less extensive than a full facelift, there is no need for sedation unless it is combined with complementary procedures. Once your cheeks have been prepared for the procedure, we will make very small incisions in your cheeks. Through these incisions, your cheek muscles will be manipulated to eliminate smile lines and restore a youthful appearance to the mid-face.
We will also lift some of the subcutaneous fat pads to plump up the region around your eyes. We will remove any excess skin you may have due to significant weight loss. Then, we will eliminate sagging skin by lifting and tightening the remaining skin. Once that is complete, the incisions will be closed.
How Long Does This Procedure Take?
The average mid-face lift takes roughly two hours to complete. If you only receive a mid-face lift, you won’t receive general anesthesia and you won’t need to be observed for several hours. Additionally, this procedure is performed on an outpatient basis so you won’t need to stay overnight in a hospital. Once we have reviewed the post-op care guidelines with you, you are free to return home.
How Long Will My Recovery Process Take?
Your recovery process should, for the most part, only take a week or two. The more care you take to rest, the shorter your recovery period will be. You may return to work as soon as you are feeling up to it but it is advisable to not perform heavy lifting at your job for six to eight weeks following your procedure.
What Else Can I Do To Shorten My Recovery Process?
Once we determine a mid-face lift is right for you, we will discuss everything you need to do to prepare for this procedure. We will also advise you regarding what to expect during and after the procedure. At this point, we will review the post-op care guidelines.
We will also review these instructions with you after your procedure to ensure you don’t have any questions or concerns. If you adhere to these instructions closely, you should expect a smooth recovery process. Here are some actionable steps to take.
Sleep on Your Back
Sleeping on your back is one of the most important things you can do to ensure the best results from your mid-face lift. If you sleep on your stomach or one of your sides, too much pressure will be put on your cheeks. It is advisable to minimize the amount of pressure applied to your cheeks for the first several weeks following your procedure. Avoiding excessive pressure on and around your cheeks will speed up the recovery process and ensure the best results.
To ensure you can get enough rest when you sleep, we recommend sleeping on your back for a couple of weeks before your procedure if you don’t usually sleep on your back. You may find that you need a firmer pillow or an additional pillow to keep your spine in proper alignment.
An Additional Note About Sleep
Make sure you are sleeping at least 7.5 hours nightly during your recovery period. If you can make time for it, we recommend sleeping nine hours nightly. The longer you sleep, the more time you spend in REM sleep. It is important to spend as much time as possible in REM sleep. During this phase of the sleep cycle, your body heals itself very efficiently because energy is not being diverted to other tasks.
It is also advisable to take naps whenever you are feeling groggy or unusually tired. Although very small incisions are made to perform a mid-face lift, it takes a lot of energy for your skin to heal itself. Listen carefully to your body during your recovery period. If you push yourself too hard, you will extend your recovery period unnecessarily. You should also explain to the members of your household that you may need to sleep more than usual.
Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking plenty of water will also shorten your recovery period. Consider increasing the volume of hydrating fluids you drink during your recovery period by 50%. If you need to drink half of a gallon of water to stay hydrated most of the time, you may want to increase your fluid consumption to 96 ounces of fluid per day.
Note, you don’t have to drink water to achieve or maintain adequate hydration. You can hydrate by drinking non-alcoholic beverages, like homemade juice. However, you should avoid drinking store-bought juices during your recovery period. Store-bought juices are highly processed and often contain lots of added sugar. Sugar molecules get caught up in the mesh-like structure of your collagen. Your skin will heal slower if you consume too much sugar.
Other Great Ways to Improve Your Hydration
You don’t have to just drink water and a bit of juice to stay hydrated after your procedure. You can also improve your hydration by drinking coffee and tea. It used to be thought that coffee and tea were dehydrating beverages because caffeine is a diuretic. However, research proved that the diuretic effects of caffeine in tea and coffee are minimal enough that those beverages are hydrating. Just remember to keep the sugar in your drinks to a minimum.
You can also improve your hydration by eating foods that are high in water. For example, drinking a bowl of soup will hydrate you. Just don’t drink a steaming-hot bowl of soup during the first few days following your procedure. Steam should be avoided for the first 72 hours post-op. Other foods that are high in water include melons, berries, and most vegetables.
Go for Regular Walks
Like remaining hydrated, going for regular walks promotes efficient circulation. It is very important to rest whenever your body tells you it needs rest. With that being said, the more you can engage in moderate physical activity, the sooner your recovery period will end. If you find walking too boring, you can go for a moderate bike ride. Just be sure you can hold a conversation or sing comfortably.
If you are out of breath while you are exercising, your intensity is too high. Physical activities that are vigorous in intensity dehydrate you, increase your body temperature, and elevate your blood pressure. None of these results of vigorous exercise will speed up your recovery process. Rather, they will impede your skin’s ability to heal.
How Soon Will I See Results?
It can take a few months to see the results of your procedure. The healthier your skin is, the sooner the final results of your cheek lift in Indianapolis will become apparent.
How Long Will the Results Last?
The results of your procedure may last anywhere from five to 15 years. The longevity of your results will depend on your age, health, lifestyle, and the health of your skin.
How Should I Prepare for This Procedure?
Come in for an Initial Consultation
The first step in preparing for this procedure is coming in for an initial consultation. During this initial consultation, we will evaluate your health and discuss your medical history to ensure you are healthy enough to receive this procedure. Since general anesthesia is not used during this procedure, most people are considered healthy enough to receive this procedure.
We will also discuss your aesthetic goals and assess the quality of your mid-face skin. With this information, we will determine whether a mid-face lift is the best procedure for you or if another procedure would more effectively help you. Depending on the scope of your aging concerns, you may benefit the most from combining a mid-face lift with a brow lift or facelift.
Stop Smoking
The second step you must take to prepare for your mid-facelift is to stop smoking. However, you can’t replace smoking with chewing tobacco or vaping. You must refrain from consuming tobacco products or smoking cessation tools for at least two weeks before your procedure. It is important to cease the consumption of nicotine because nicotine damages your body in several ways.
For example, it increases venous blood pressure. This blood circulation constriction means fewer nutrients will be delivered to the targeted area following the procedure. This will increase the duration of your recovery period. We strongly recommend not smoking until at least a week or two after your procedure to decrease the duration of your recovery period.
Stop Drinking Alcohol
You should also stop drinking alcohol for 14 days before your procedure. Like nicotine, alcohol elevates your blood pressure. This occurs because alcohol is a toxin. Your body responds to the presence of this toxin by flushing it out as quickly as possible. Along with the alcohol, crucial hydration and essential micronutrients are flushed out of the body.
It is advisable to stop drinking in the weeks leading up to your procedure because if your blood pressure is too high, you may not be considered a good candidate for a mid-face lift.
Wear Sunscreen
It is also important to stay protected from the sun adequately in the days leading up to your procedure, too. If your skin is irritated due to a sunburn or infection, you will need to reschedule your procedure. If you suffer from recurring skin problems, you should take any necessary preventative medication in the weeks leading up to your procedure.
The most effective thing you can do to protect your skin from the sun is to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30. However, the greater the SPF, the more protected your skin will be. You should also refrain from tanning beds and minimize the time you spend outside when the sun is at its strongest. This occurs between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM.
Restore Your Mid-Face Today
You don’t have to live with sagging cheek skin. Turn back the hands of time and look years younger with a cheek lift Indianapolis. Contact us today at Restore Center for Aesthetics in Munster, IN to schedule an initial consultation and learn more about what to expect during this procedure or find out if you are a good candidate.