The Venus Freeze treatment is a fantastic option for those who want to tighten up their skin a little bit or get rid of some pesky cellulite. Many people find this treatment to be an effective way to look like themselves; only a little bit better. If your skin is looking a little dull, saggy, or you want to smooth out some wrinkles and lines, we can help. At Restore Center for Aesthetics in Munster, IN, we help our clients look and feel their best through innovative, minimally invasive treatments that really work.
How Long Do Venus Freeze Results Last?
This treatment is designed to smooth out wrinkles and make your skin appear tighter and more youthful. It also works to minimize the look of cellulite and give you a lovely contoured shape that can look great in your favorite clothes. Many people notice results right away, but they become more pronounced after three or four treatment sessions. Since each person is different, there is no set-in-stone treatment plan to follow. We can set up a personalized consultation with you to discuss your treatment options and set up a plan.
Our goal is to make sure that you are completely on board before we start. Generally, the results that you get from your round of treatments should last about three months, although some candidates will have to come in more frequently than others. Talk to us about what you want to achieve, and we will let you know which treatment plan works best for you.
What Does This Treatment Entail?
Unlike many other types of cosmetic treatments, Venus Freeze is pain-free and quick. Most candidates will not need to set aside any recovery time, and the sessions take less than an hour. You can realistically get treated during your lunch break. This treatment uses radio waves and magnetic charges to coax your body to produce more collagen.
Collagen is what gives our skin its elasticity and can help reduce the look of cellulite and wrinkles, and we tend to produce less of it as we age. We can effectively turn back the clock during your session and trick your body into producing more collagen than it’s programmed to create, making your skin look smoother, glowing, and far more youthful.
What Can I Expect During My Session?
Our trusted team will prep your skin with a glycerin gel mixture and run the Venus Freeze applicator over the targeted area. This applicator is what produces the radio waves and magnetic charges that prompt collagen growth. Clients lay down and are fully relaxed during the session, and most don’t feel anything beyond a pleasant warm sensation and a light massage. Many people actually find it to be quite pleasant, and some even fall asleep during the treatment.
The length of your session will vary depending on how large the area is that you need to be treated, but most people are done well within an hour. For smaller areas of the body, you might even need less than half an hour. The quick turnaround time makes this treatment a great option for people on the go.
No Downtime
Another fantastic perk is the fact that there’s no downtime whatsoever with this treatment. You can go right back to your life the second that the session is over. It’s quick, painless, and yields tremendous results, which is what makes this treatment plan one of the most popular one’s available today.
Where Are the Best Places To Get This Treatment?
You can get this treatment on virtually any part of your body, but there are some areas that seem to be more responsive than others. Many people get the treatment done on their faces where Venus Freeze can work its magic on fine lines and wrinkles. Since this treatment is completely non-invasive, you can wear makeup or treat your skin regularly right after the session.
Other preferable areas include the neck, arms, stomach, butt, and thighs. As we age, many of us get cellulite on the lower part of our bodies, specifically on our lower stomach, butt, and legs. Although creams and exercise can minimize the look of cellulite, nothing topical or over the counter can get rid of it entirely. By stimulating collagen production, the Venus Freeze procedure can minimize the look of cellulite and help you get your beach body ready in no time. This treatment is also good at reducing stretch marks and tightening skin, making it ideal for new mothers.
Treatment Benefits
Treatment benefits can vary by person, but these are some of the biggest benefits that most people experience after their sessions.
No Recovery Time Needed
This is one of the biggest treatment perks. Unlike other cosmetic treatments, you don’t need to schedule any downtime or recovery time after your treatment session. You can go right back to your life, totally pain-free, immediately after the session is over.
Clothes Fit Better
Since this treatment can contour and shave off inches, there’s a good chance that your clothes will start to fit a lot better after one or more sessions.
Painless Treatment
This treatment is known for being totally painless, and some people even decide to take a nap or rest while they are being treated.
Less Cellulite
If cellulite is the bane of your existence, this treatment can help banish it from your body for good. The Venus Freeze is very effective at minimizing cellulite, which is what makes it an especially popular lower-body treatment. Cellulite can make your clothes fit awkwardly and can make you feel less confident. We once thought that cellulite was just a part of life, but with this treatment, you no longer have to live with it.
Tighter Skin
Since this treatment produces collagen, many people find that their skin looks tighter and more youthful. Since our bodies naturally lose collagen as we age, and we stop making as much collagen naturally, our skin can look duller and saggier. This treatment prompts collagen stimulation, resulting in tighter, luminous looking skin.
Less-Noticeable Wrinkles
Along with tighter skin comes fewer wrinkles. As collagen plumps the face, it also fills in lines and wrinkles, leaving skin looking refreshed.
Who Is a Good Candidate?
Anyone who wants to feel more comfortable in their skin, or get rid of extra cellulite on their body, is a great candidate for this treatment. Since it’s non-invasive and completely safe, Venus Freeze is a great alternative to other more invasive treatments. If you have recently given birth and find that your lower body has stretch marks and new cellulite, this treatment could help smooth out your skin and is a great addition to almost any mommy makeover. Better still, with no downtime, you won’t have to worry about additional childcare while you are recovering.
Maintaining Results In Between Treatments
Although we will review the specific details of your treatment plan during your consultation, there are some things that you can do to maintain your results in between treatments. These good habits can keep you both healthy and beautiful!
Stay Active
Exercise is a great way to cut back on stress, keep cellulite at bay, and stimulate circulation. When your blood is pumping, your cells are active, and you are more likely to have that lovely complexion that you crave. Aim to work out at least a few times a week, and try to alternate cardiovascular exercise with strength training.
Try To Quit Smoking
Smoking is detrimental to your health for a number of different reasons. It can damage you internally, cause premature aging, and stop collagen production. If you want to keep up your Venus Freeze results in between sessions, try to quit or cut back on smoking. There are plenty of online programs and support groups that can help you reach your goals.
Eat a Balanced Diet
Try to eat the rainbow, and your body will thank you! Fruits and vegetables are the secret ingredients to looking youthful and having healthy skin. Try to eat five fruits and vegetables per day, and cut down on your sugar intake. Sugar can damage collagen, and it also leads to unhealthy highs and crashes. Get your sugar from fiber-rich sweet fruits instead. A balanced diet is one of the best things that you can do for your body’s overall look and feel.
Use Retinols
Retinol creams aren’t just for your face! If you are battling cellulite, retinol might be able to help. Although they can’t fully erase cellulite, they can minimize the look of it in between treatments. Be careful with retinol creams if you’re planning on going out in the sun. This ingredient can make your skin a lot more sensitive to sun damage, so make sure you put on plenty of sunscreen before catching some rays.
A Good Facial Regimen
A good facial regimen can take your skin from blah to extraordinary and even help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Find a regimen that works for your skin type, and more importantly, one that you will actually adhere to. Never sleep in your makeup, and use retinol and hydrating night creams to replenish your skin overnight. Don’t forget to use a strong sunscreen on your face and wear sunglasses and a hat if you’re planning on being out in the sun.
Use Sunscreen
The sun is the number-one culprit when it comes to aging. Although the sun might feel great on your face, its rays can etch fine lines and wrinkles into your skin, especially around the eyes. Counteract this by slathering on the sunscreen and wearing good sunglasses when you’re outside. Don’t neglect the other parts of your body either, especially your chest area, which has very delicate skin and can be susceptible to sun damage.
Follow these guidelines in between treatments, and you will help your skin to look its very best.
Firm, Smooth Skin Can Be Yours
If you want to restore your beauty and fight back against aging and cellulite, we can help. Our team is dedicated to client-centric care, and we treat each one of our patients like the individuals that they are. We will guide you through every aspect of your treatment and work with you to achieve your personal goals. If you’re ready to rediscover your most radiant self, it’s time to get in touch.
With Venus Freeze, you can turn back the clock and look absolutely stunning in your own skin. Contact us at Restore Center for Aesthetics
in Munster, IN at 219-245-5095 for a personal consultation today.